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Rectification of Thermal Fluctuations in Ideal Gases
Physical Review (2004)
  • Alejandro Garcia, San Jose State University
  • P. Meurs, Limburgs Universitair Centrum
  • C. Van de Broeck, Limburgs Universitair Centrum
We calculate the systematic average speed of the adiabatic piston and a thermal Brownian motor, introduced by C. Van den Broeck, R. Kawai and P. Meurs [Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 090601 (2004)], by an expansion of the Boltzmann equation and compare with the exact numerical solution.
  • rectification,
  • thermal,
  • gases
Publication Date
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Citation Information
Alejandro Garcia, P. Meurs and C. Van de Broeck. "Rectification of Thermal Fluctuations in Ideal Gases" Physical Review Vol. E 70 (2004)
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