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Accounting for the Impacts of Public Research, R&D Spill-ins, Extension, and Roads in U.S. Regional Agricultural Productivity Growth, 1980-2004
Department of Agricultural Economics: Faculty Publications
  • Ling Sun Wang, ERS, USDA
  • Eldon Ball, ERS, USDA
  • Lilyan E Fulginiti, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • Alejandro Plastina, Iowa State University
Date of this Version

chapter 2 in Productivity Growth in Agriculture: An International Perspective, edited by Keith Fuglie, Eldon Ball, and Sun Ling Wang, CABI, 2012

Citation Information
Ling Sun Wang, Eldon Ball, Lilyan E Fulginiti and Alejandro Plastina. "Accounting for the Impacts of Public Research, R&D Spill-ins, Extension, and Roads in U.S. Regional Agricultural Productivity Growth, 1980-2004" (2012)
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