Research Skills (Write a Bibliometric Paper), Session 11: Navigating Publication: From Submission to Peer Review
Research Visibility and Impact Center-(RVnIC)
Within the realm of bibliometric analysis, a pivotal statistical tool unfolds—a tool that allows us to grasp the current landscape of scientific knowledge within specialized research domains. Through the adept application of techniques such as publication and citation counting, co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, keyword co-occurrence, and co-authorship networks, bibliometrics unfurls the pathway to identifying pertinent research quandaries and crafting studies of profound impact. Furthermore, the art of crafting a bibliometric paper, whether as a precursor to a literature review or an integral part of a research paper's introduction, furnishes researchers with the means to eloquently elucidate their objectives and methodologies, ensuring utmost clarity and conciseness. In our comprehensive workshop series, “Research Skills (Write a Bibliometric Paper),” we culminate with "Navigating Publication: From Submission to Peer Review." This session extends a guiding hand, offering strategies for judicious journal selection, a step-by-step odyssey through the manuscript submission process, and invaluable insights into the intricacies of the peer review procedure. Participants will gain a profound understanding of how to adeptly address reviewer comments, thereby fortifying their journey toward successful publication.
- Research Tools,
- Research Visibility,
- Research Impact,
- Bibliometrics,
- Journal Selection,
- Manuscript Submission,
- Peer Review,
- Publication Process
Publication Date
June 1, 2024
Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
Citation Information
Nader Ale Ebrahim. "Research Skills (Write a Bibliometric Paper), Session 11: Navigating Publication: From Submission to Peer Review" Research Visibility and Impact Center-(RVnIC) (2024) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/aleebrahim/367/
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