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Application of the Fokker-Planck molecular mixing model to turbulent scalar mixing using moment methods
Physics of Fluids
  • Ehsan Madadi-Kandjani, Iowa State University
  • Rodney O. Fox, Iowa State University
  • Alberto Passalacqua, Iowa State University
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Publication Version
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An extended quadrature method of moments using the beta kernel density function (beta-EQMOM) is used to approximate solutions to the evolution equation for univariate and bivariate composition probability distribution functions (PDFs) of a passive scalar for binary and ternary mixing. The key element of interest is the molecular mixing term, which is described using the Fokker-Planck (FP) molecular mixing model. The direct numerical simulations (DNSs) of Eswaran and Pope ["Direct numerical simulations of the turbulent mixing of a passive scalar,"Phys. Fluids 31, 506 (1988)] and the amplitude mapping closure (AMC) of Pope ["Mapping closures for turbulent mixing and reaction," Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn. 2, 255 (1991)] are taken as reference solutions to establish the accuracy of the FP model in the case of binary mixing. The DNSs of Juneja and Pope ["A DNS study of turbulent mixing of two passive scalars,"Phys. Fluids 8, 2161 (1996)] are used to validate the results obtained for ternary mixing. Simulations are performed with both the conditional scalar dissipation rate (CSDR) proposed by Fox [Computational Methods for Turbulent Reacting Flows (Cambridge University Press, 2003)] and the CSDR from AMC, with the scalar dissipation rate provided as input and obtained from the DNS. Using scalar moments up to fourth order, the ability of the FP model to capture the evolution of the shape of the PDF, important in turbulent mixing problems, is demonstrated. Compared to the widely used assumed beta-PDF model [S. S. Girimaji, "Assumed beta-pdf model for turbulent mixing: Validation and extension to multiple scalar mixing," Combust. Sci. Technol. 78, 177 (1991)], the beta-EQMOM solution to the FP model more accurately describes the initial mixing process with a relatively small increase in computational cost.


This article is published as Madadi-Kandjani, E., R. O. Fox, and A. Passalacqua. "Application of the Fokker-Planck molecular mixing model to turbulent scalar mixing using moment methods." Physics of Fluids 29, no. 6 (2017): 065109. 10.1063/1.4989421. Posted with permission.

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Citation Information
Ehsan Madadi-Kandjani, Rodney O. Fox and Alberto Passalacqua. "Application of the Fokker-Planck molecular mixing model to turbulent scalar mixing using moment methods" Physics of Fluids Vol. 29 Iss. 6 (2017) p. 065109
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