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Computer physician order entry and clinical decision support systems: Benefits and concerns
Management Faculty Research
  • Joseph Shaffer, Marshall University
  • Alberto Coustasse, Marshall University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date

Computerized Physician Order Entry has emerged as the greatest potential to decrease medications errors and improve efficiency. A literature review was conducted in systematic stages that included the research data from the last 25 years. Efficiencies were found with a decrease in overall workload of nurses, pharmacists and clerical workers. This led to decreased operating expenses. A secure way of transferring physician orders electronically will help hospitals and physicians practice a more efficient and higher quality of care in the US healthcare system.


Presented at the Business and Health Administration Association (BHAA) Annual Conference 2012, at the 48th Annual Midwest Business Administration Association International Conference, Chicago, IL., March 28-30, 2012. Joseph Shaffer and Alberto Coustasse gave a PowerPoint presentation called Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE), Process, Costs and Benefits, which is included here as a supplement to the conference paper. The conference brochure is online at

Copyright 2012 Business and Health Administration Association. Reprinted with permission. PowerPoint copyright 2012 the authors.

Citation Information
Shaffer, J. and Coustasse, A. Computer physician order entry and clinical decision support systems: Benefits and concerns. Business and Health Administration Association Annual Conference 2012. Paper presented at the Business and Health Administration Association (BHAA) Annual Conference 2012, at the 48th Annual Midwest Business Administration Association International Conference. Chicago, Illinois. Mar 2012.