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Benefits and Constraints of Telepsychiatry Utilization in the United States
Management Faculty Research
  • Bruce A. Stec, Marshall University
  • Alberto Coustasse, Marshall University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date

This conference presentation describes the benefits and constraints of utilizing telemedicine primarily focusing on the field of psychiatry in the United States with the current system of healthcare. The utilization of telemedicine in the field of psychiatry is believed to provide better access, quality and care to the patients who necessitate psychiatric care in their overall medical care. Telemedicine has been a successfully integrated program into psychiatric facilities reaching rural, prisons or city facilities based on that it has increased the volume of patients in which physicians can reach out to and diagnose, as well as treat patients with limitations in his or her mobility.


Presented at the Business and Health Administration Association (BHAA) Annual Conference 2012, at the 48th Annual Midwest Business Administration Association International Conference, Chicago, IL., March 28-30, 2012. Bruce Stec and Alberto Coustasse gave a PowerPoint presentation, which is included here as a supplement to the conference paper. The conference brochure is online at

Copyright 2012 Business and Health Administration Association. Reprinted with permission. PowerPoint copyright 2012 the authors.

Citation Information
Stec, B. and Coustasse, A. Benefits and constraints of telepsychiatry utilization in the United States. Business and Health Administration Association Annual Conference 2012. Paper presented at the Business and Health Administration Association (BHAA) Annual Conference 2012, at the 48th Annual Midwest Business Administration Association International Conference. Chicago, Illinois. Mar 2012.