Light, strong materials with high conductivity are desired for many applications such as power transmission conductors, fly-by-wire systems, and downhole power feeds. However, it is difficult to obtain both high strength and high conductivity simultaneously in a material. In this study, an Al/Ca (20 vol%) nanofilamentary metal-metal composite was produced by powder metallurgy and severe plastic deformation. Fine Ca metal powders (~200 µm) were produced by centrifugal atomization, mixed with pure Al powder, and deformed by warm extrusion, swaging, and wire drawing to a true strain of 12.9. The Ca powder particles became fine Ca nanofilaments that reinforce the composite substantially by interface strengthening. The conductivity of the composite is slightly lower than the rule-of-mixtures prediction due to minor quantities of impurity inclusions. The elevated temperature performance of this composite was also evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry and resistivity measurements.
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/alan_russell/36/
This is a manuscript of an article published as Tian, Liang, Alan Russell, Trevor Riedemann, Soeren Mueller, and Iver Anderson. "A deformation-processed Al-matrix/Ca-nanofilamentary composite with low density, high strength, and high conductivity." Materials Science and Engineering: A 690 (2017): 348-354. DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2017.03.010. Posted with permission.