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Eysenck's BIG THREE and communication traits: Communication traits as manifestations of temperament
Communication Research Reports (2004)
  • James C. McCroskey, West Virginia University
  • Virginia P. Richmond, West Virginia University
  • Alan D. Heisel, University of Missouri–St. Louis
  • Jamie L. Hayhurst, West Virginia University
Two studies are reported which sought to determine the possible limitations of the proposition that "temperament is manifest through communication." The results of earlier studies suggest that many communication related traits indeed are correlated with one or more temperament variables. In the present study Willingness to Communicate, Singing Apprehension, and Innovativeness were found to be associated with one or more of the BIG THREE temperament variables. Writing apprehension was found to have no meaningful relationship with any of the temperament variables. It is concluded that, while most important oral communication traits probably are correlated with one or more temperament traits, some other communication traits, like writing apprehension, may not be
Publication Date
January 9, 2004
Citation Information
James C. McCroskey, Virginia P. Richmond, Alan D. Heisel and Jamie L. Hayhurst. "Eysenck's BIG THREE and communication traits: Communication traits as manifestations of temperament" Communication Research Reports Vol. 21 Iss. 4 (2004) p. 404 - 410
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