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Construction of weavings in the plane
Mathematics Faculty Publications
  • Eden Delight Miro, Ateneo de Manila University
  • Aliw-iw Zambrano
  • Agnes Garciano, Ateneo de Manila University
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This work develops, in graph-theoretic terms, a methodology for systematically constructing weavings of overlapping nets derived from 2-colorings of the plane. From a 2-coloring, two disjoint simple, connected graphs called nets are constructed. The union of these nets forms an overlapping net, and a weaving map is defined on the intersection points of the overlapping net to form a weaving. Furthermore, a procedure is given for the construction of mixed overlapping nets and for deriving weavings from them.

Citation Information
Miro, E. D., Zambrano, A. & Garciano, A. (2018). Acta Cryst. A74, 25-35.