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Tailoring reports to stakeholder needs: Combining data from Digital Commons content inventory and dashboards
All Other Contributions
  • Jennifer Deal, Advocate Aurora Health

Advocate Aurora Library

Scholarly Activity Date
Presentation Notes
Presentation at 2022 Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) Symposium; presented virtually; November 17, 2022.

Since implementing our institutional repository in 2014, the Library at Advocate Aurora Health has worked closely with Aurora graduate medical education (GME) to capture and showcase the scholarly activity coming out of their residency and fellowship programs. In early 2022, in an effort to reduce duplicative efforts, this partnership evolved to make the Advocate Aurora Health Institutional Repository the sole place where this scholarly activity was captured and reported out from. In this lightning talk, I will explain how we worked with our stakeholders and the vendor to accomplish this. First, we met with Aurora GME's research support team to better understand their new reporting needs. With this knowledge, we then worked with bepress to find out where the disparate pieces of necessary information were available and to also add custom metadata when necessary. Finally, we created a workflow where we combined data points only available in the Digital Commons Content Inventory reports with data points only available in Dashboard reports and presented them in a single, simplified report that met stakeholder requirements.

Document Type
Oral/Podium Presentation
Citation Information

Deal J. Tailoring reports to stakeholder needs: Combining data from Digital Commons content inventory and dashboards. 2022 Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) Symposium; presented virtually; November 17, 2022.