Hacker Definitions in Information Systems Research
Journal of Computer Information Systems
The IS research community has called for more research on hackers and their behavioral motivations.
One of the reasons that research on hackers has been so limited is that there is no clear definition of
what a hacker is, or who may or may not be considered a hacker. Researchers have attempted to define
the term hacker, yet overall attempts to craft a definition have been inconsistent and partially complete.
The purpose of this paper is to present results from an inductive, qualitative study of how the term
hacker has been defined in IS literature. We reviewed the leading IS journals to identify previously-used
hacker definitions. The review and analysis conducted in this paper yields a more comprehensive
definition of the term hacker to help advance hacker-related IS research efforts.
- Hacker definitions,
- inductive,
- qualitative review,
- hacker behavior
Publication Date
December, 2020
Citation Information
DeJarvis Oliver and Adriane B. Randolph. "Hacker Definitions in Information Systems Research" Journal of Computer Information Systems (2020) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/adrianerandolph/50/