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A Content Analysis On Intuition In Information Systems Research
SAIS 2015 Proceedings
  • Robecca Quammen, Kennesaw State University
  • Adriane B Randolph, Kennesaw State University
Publication Date

Factors influencing information systems (IS) success have been long researched with modest success in identification of the primary drivers of success. Acceptance of technology is an all-consuming concept in the IS field (Davis et al. 1989; DeLone et al. 1992; Zmud 1979) and as such definition of the dependent variable for IS success has dominated IS research. However, a recent study to understand the independent variables associated with IS success provides evidence that user characteristics such as attitude toward technology, self-efficacy, and technology experience are predictive IS Success measures that merit further empirical research (Petter et al. 2013). This research extends focus on yet another complex human characteristic, intuition. Exploration of the treatment of intuition in contemporary IS research potentially offers additional insight into the factors impacting IS success.

Citation Information
Robecca Quammen and Adriane B Randolph. "A Content Analysis On Intuition In Information Systems Research" (2015)
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