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Random Convolutional Coding for Robust and Straggler Resilient Distributed Matrix Computation
  • Anindya B. Das, Iowa State University
  • Aditya Ramamoorthy, Iowa State University
  • Namrata Vaswani, Iowa State University
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Publication Version
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Distributed matrix computations (matrix-vector and matrix-matrix multiplications) are at the heart of several tasks within the machine learning pipeline. However, distributed clusters are well-recognized to suffer from the problem of stragglers (slow or failed nodes). Prior work in this area has presented straggler mitigation strategies based on polynomial evaluation/interpolation. However, such approaches suffer from numerical problems (blow up of round-off errors) owing to the high condition numbers of the corresponding Vandermonde matrices. In this work, we introduce a novel solution approach that relies on embedding distributed matrix computations into the structure of a convolutional code. This simple innovation allows us to develop a provably numerically robust and efficient (fast) solution for distributed matrix-vector and matrix-matrix multiplication.


This is a pre-print of the article Das, Anindya B., Aditya Ramamoorthy, and Namrata Vaswani. "Random Convolutional Coding for Robust and Straggler Resilient Distributed Matrix Computation." arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.08064 (2019). Posted with permission.

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Citation Information
Anindya B. Das, Aditya Ramamoorthy and Namrata Vaswani. "Random Convolutional Coding for Robust and Straggler Resilient Distributed Matrix Computation" arXiv (2019)
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