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About Adam R Urbach

Professor Urbach is a native Texan, born and raised in Houston and interested in science and technology from an early age. At the University of Texas at Austin, his fascination for organic chemistry was kindled by Prof. Jonathan Sessler, first in class and then in undergraduate research on the chemical synthesis of porphyrins and expanded porphyrins. The experience was made complete by service in the ACS Student Affiliates chapter under the guidance of Prof. David Laude.
Prof. Urbach pursued graduate studies in organic chemistry at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) under the aegis of Prof. Peter B. Dervan, studying the molecular recognition of DNA with small molecules using a multidisciplinary approach that included organic synthesis, molecular biology, thermodynamic studies, and high-resolution structure determination by NMR spectroscopy. These studies of biomolecular recognition by designed molecules set the foundation for his current research interests.
Upon completing his Ph.D., he moved to Harvard University to study under Prof. George Whitesides, including the synthesis and self-assembly of nanoscale magnetic materials and studies on protein biophysics. As part of his NIH postdoctoral fellowship he had funds to attend a conference. While at the Gordon Conference on physical-organic chemistry he had a chance meeting with Professor Nancy Mills of Trinity University, and over a beer they discussed life and science. Little did they know at the time that in just over a year they would be colleagues as Urbach joined the faculty of Trinity University in the fall of 2004.


Present Professor, Chemistry, Trinity University Department of Chemistry

Curriculum Vitae

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Honors and Awards

  • Research Corporation Cottrell Scholar, 2015
  • National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2008-2012
  • Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, 2009
  • Trinity University Distinguished Junior Faculty Award, 2007
  • Cottrell College Science Award, 2006-2008
  • National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2003-2004
  • National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 1996-1999


  • Organic Chemistry
  • General Chemistry
  • Advanced Topics - Medicinal Chemistry
  • Advanced Topics - Supramolecular Chemistry


1996 - 2002 PhD in Organic Chemistry, California Institute of Technology
1993 - 1996 BS in Chemistry, University of Texas at Austin