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"Prison Ghost Tours, Inc."
Faculty Publications & Research
  • Adam Kotlarczyk, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Document Type
Short Story
Publication Date

Carol felt awful about it, but she just couldn’t find Mr. Jankowski anywhere.

“I’m sorry,” she said to his son and his son’s wife.

Mr. Jankowski’s son slid a hand across his balding head and down to his eyebrows. His children – two teenagers – were sprawled across the lobby couch, disinterestedly tapping at their phones.

“How did you lose him?” he asked. “Again?”

Mr. Jankowski’s son sighed. They all knew where he’d gone.

“Should I call the prison?” asked his wife.

The son nodded. Carol went in the back to fetch her coat.

— Excerpt


With Painted Words, (2016)

Citation Information
Adam Kotlarczyk. ""Prison Ghost Tours, Inc."" (2016)
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