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Measurement of Z quark, Z electron couplings and sin**2(theta(W)) at CDF
CDF Collaboration, eConf C0406271, MONP07 (2004) [arXiv:hep-ex/0409020], proceedings of G. De Lentdecker presentation at XXIV Physics in Collision (2004)
  • Adam Gibson, Valparaiso University
  • G. De Lentdecker
  • J. Lee
  • K. McFarland
  • G. Veramendi
  • Y. K. Kim
Publication Date
June, 2004
Citation Information
Adam Gibson, G. De Lentdecker, J. Lee, K. McFarland, et al.. "Measurement of Z quark, Z electron couplings and sin**2(theta(W)) at CDF" CDF Collaboration, eConf C0406271, MONP07 (2004) [arXiv:hep-ex/0409020], proceedings of G. De Lentdecker presentation at XXIV Physics in Collision (2004)
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