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Interactive effects of multiple climate change variables on trophic interactions: a meta-analysis.
Climate Change Responses (2014)
  • Adam E. Rosenblatt, University of North Florida
  • Oswald J. Schmitz
Climate change is expected to simultaneously alter many of the abiotic qualities of ecosystems as well as biotic interactions, especially trophic interactions. However, research to date has mostly focused on elucidating the effects of single climate change variables on individual species. Here, we use established meta-analysis techniques to synthesize the existing literature on the interactive effects of multiple climate change variables on trophic interactions.
Most of the studies included in our meta-analysis examined plant-insect herbivore interactions. We found that the majority of trophic interaction response variables (55%) displayed multiplicative reactions to interacting climate change variables while 36% and 9% displayed antagonistic and synergistic reactions, respectively. We also found that only one of six climate change variable pairings had consistent positive or negative effects on trophic relationships, largely because interaction type and magnitude were both highly context dependent across the pairings. Most notably, males and females frequently responded differently to interacting climate change variables, and the response strength frequently varied with the underlying nutrient load of the system.
  • carbon dioxide,
  • feeding
Publication Date
Citation Information
Adam E. Rosenblatt and Oswald J. Schmitz. "Interactive effects of multiple climate change variables on trophic interactions: a meta-analysis." Climate Change Responses Vol. 1 Iss. 8 (2014)
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