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Personal values of school leaders and their manifestation in student behavior management : A district level study in Pakistan
Educational Management Administration & Leadership
  • Christopher C. Branson, University of Waitkato, New Zealand
  • Sharifullah Baig, Aga Khan University
  • Abida Begum, Aga Khan University
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Although there is growing research evidence to support the view that the leadership practice of the school principal is the second-most important influence on student learning behind classroom teaching, there is no clarity about what, exactly, the principal is meant to do to ensure this outcome. Hence, Leithwood et al. (2010) propose that one of the principal’s important influences on student learning is the ‘rational’ path, which includes the issue of school-wide disciplinary climate. This argues that the principal plays a pivotal role in establishing the school-wide disciplinary climate that aids student learning. This article reports upon research conducted in Pakistan that focuses on the disciplinary climate aspect of school leadership by exploring how the personal values of principals are made manifest in student behaviour. Data from this research infers that the establishment of an appropriate school-wide disciplinary climate for improving student learning is influenced by two important factors. First, there needs to be an alignment between personal and organizational values and behaviour throughout the school. Secondly, the consistency of alignment between the values and behaviour of the principal, in particular, is the cornerstone in creating a beneficial school-wide disciplinary climate.

Citation Information

Branson, C. M., Baig, S., & Begum, A. (2015). Personal values of school leaders and their manifestation in student behavior management : A district level study in Pakistan. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 43(1), 107–128.