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Contribution to Book
Carcinogenesis Models: Focus on Siphophorus and Rainbow Trout
Oceans and Human Health: Risks and Remedies from the Seas
  • R. B. Walter
  • S. C. Tilton
  • G. O. Orner
  • Abby D. Benninghoff, Utah State University
  • G. S. Bailey
  • D. E. Williams
Document Type
Contribution to Book
PJ Walsh, SL Smith, LE Fleming, HM Solo-Gabriele & WM Gerwick
Publication Date
Citation Information
Walter, R.B., Tilton, S.C., Orner, G.O., Benninghoff, A.D., Bailey, G.S. and Williams, D.E. (2008). Carcinogenesis models: focus on xiphophorus and rainbow trout. In: Oceans and Human Health. Risks and Remedies from the Seas. (Eds. Walsh, P.J., Smith, S.L., Fleming, L.E., Solo-Gabriele, H.M. and Gerwick, W.M. Elsevier, New York, pp 585-611.