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Interactions of Calcium and Cyclic AMP Signaling Pathways Regulating Steroidogenesis in Primary Cultured Theca and Granulosa Cells of Atlantic Croaker
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry
  • Abby D. Benninghoff, Utah State University
  • P. Thomas
Document Type
Springer Verlag
Publication Date

The function of adenylyl cyclase (AC)-dependent and calcium (Ca2+)-dependent signal transduction pathways in mediating gonadotropin-stimulated testosterone (T) synthesis in croaker follicular cells was investigated. Both pathways are critical regulators of steroidogenesis in these cells. Stimulation of steroidogenesis by modulators of AC-dependent cell signaling is partially dependent on the presence of extracellular Ca2+, although AC function does not appear to be mediated by the Ca2+ pathway in croaker follicular cells.


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Citation Information
Benninghoff, A. and P. Thomas (2003) Interactions of calcium and cyclic AMP signaling pathways regulating steroidogenesis in primary cultured theca and granulosa cells of Atlantic croaker. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 28 (1-4): 327-328.