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Contribution to Book
Technology Integration in Chemistry Education and Research (TICER)
Chemistry & Biochemistry Faculty Book Gallery
  • Tanya Gupta
  • Robert E Belford
  • Aaron R. Van Dyke, Fairfield University

Co-editors: Tanya Gupta, Robert E. Belford

Contributing author: Aaron Van Dyke

Document Type
Book Contribution

Aaron R. Van Dyke is a contributing author, "Practical Considerations for Advancing Undergraduate Digital Literacy through Digital Laboratory Notebooks," Chapter 7: p. 107-118.

Digital laboratory notebooks (DLNs), alternatively termed electronic laboratory notebooks, are valuable for cultivating digital literacy and enhancing laboratory productivity. However, selecting and implementing a DLN can be difficult. This book chapter outlines four factors to consider when selecting a DLN: cost, platform compatibility, user collaboration, and data compliance. Next, it discusses the implementation of Quip (a productivity app) as a DLN at Fairfield University, a primarily undergraduate institution. Through applications in organic chemistry, biochemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, and chemical instrumentation laboratories, the reader will gain practical knowledge of Quip’s interface, data management architecture, content creation tools, and instructor’s features. The chapter concludes by considering the legacy of accessing data within Quip and student perceptions of the DLN at Fairfield University.

Publication Date
Publication Information

Van Dyke, A.R. Practical Considerations for Advancing Undergraduate Digital Literacy through Digital Laboratory Notebooks. In Technology in Chemistry Education and Research (TICER); Gupta, T.; Belford, R. E. Eds; American Chemical Society: Washington DC, 2019. DOI: 10.1021/bk-2019-1318


Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society

Citation Information
Tanya Gupta, Robert E Belford and Aaron R. Van Dyke. "Technology Integration in Chemistry Education and Research (TICER)" (2019)
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