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The PIPER Survey. I. An Initial Look at the Intergalactic Globular Cluster Population in the Perseus Cluster
Astrophysical Journal
  • William E. Harris, McMaster University
  • Rachel A. Brown, McMaster University
  • Patrick R. Durrell, Youngstown State University
  • Aaron J. Romanowsky, San Jose State University
  • John Blakeslee, National Research Council Canada
  • Jean Brodie, University of California, Santa Cruz
  • Steven Janssens, University of Toronto
  • Thorsten Lisker, Astronomisches Rechen-Institut
  • Sakurako Okamoto, National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
  • Carolin Wittmann, Astronomisches Rechen-Institut
Publication Date
Document Type

We describe the goals and first results of the Program for Imaging of the PERseus cluster of galaxies (PIPER). The first phase of the program builds on imaging of fields obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS)/WFC and WFC3/UVIS cameras. Our PIPER target fields with HST include major early-type galaxies including the active central giant NGC 1275, known ultra-diffuse galaxies, and the intracluster medium. The resulting two-color photometry in F475W and F814W reaches deep enough to resolve and measure the globular cluster (GC) populations in the Perseus member galaxies. Here we present initial results for eight pairs of outer fields that confirm the presence of intergalactic GCs (IGCs) in fields as distant as 740 kpc from the Perseus center (40% of the virial radius of the cluster). Roughly 90% of these IGCs are identifiably blue (metal-poor) but there is a clear trace of a red (metal-rich) component as well, even at these very remote distances.

Funding Number
Funding Sponsor
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
Citation Information
William E. Harris, Rachel A. Brown, Patrick R. Durrell, Aaron J. Romanowsky, et al.. "The PIPER Survey. I. An Initial Look at the Intergalactic Globular Cluster Population in the Perseus Cluster" Astrophysical Journal Vol. 890 Iss. 2 (2020)
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