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Managing Two Soybean Pests to Optimize Yield
Integrated Crop Management News
  • Erin W. Hodgson, Iowa State University
  • Gregory L. Tylka, Iowa State University
  • Aaron J. Gassmann, Iowa State University
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Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) and soybean aphid (SBA) are important soybean pests in the north-central region. Soybean varieties with host plant resistance for SCN (PI88788) and SBA (Rag1) can suppress pest populations and subsequently protect yield. In addition, seed treatments are becoming widely adopted and now can include a nematacide, fungicides and insecticide. Combining host plant resistance with seed treatments could potentially further protect yield. This article summarizes a 3-year research effort, funded by the soybean checkoff through a grant from the Iowa Soybean Association, that evaluated interactions among these two pests, host plant resistance, and seed treatments.

Copyright Owner
Iowa State University
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Citation Information
Erin W. Hodgson, Gregory L. Tylka and Aaron J. Gassmann. "Managing Two Soybean Pests to Optimize Yield" (2016)
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