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Lithium nickel borides: evolution of [NiB] layers driven by Li pressure
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers
  • Volodymyr Gvozdetskyi, Iowa State University
  • Yang Sun, Ames Laboratory
  • Xin Zhao, Ames Laboratory
  • Gourab Bhaskar, Iowa State University
  • Scott L. Carnahan, Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory
  • Colin P. Harmer, Iowa State University
  • Feng Zhang, Ames Laboratory
  • Raquel A. Ribeiro, Iowa State University
  • Paul C. Canfield, Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory
  • Aaron J. Rossini, Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory
  • Cai-Zhuang Wang, Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory
  • Kai-Ming Ho, Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory
  • Julia V. Zaikina, Iowa State University
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Publication Version
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Here we show the effect of Li chemical pressure on the structure of layered polymorphs with LiNiB composition: RT-LiNiB (room temperature polymorph) and HT-LiNiB (high temperature polymorph), resulting in stabilization of the novel RT-Li1+xNiB (x ∼ 0.17) and HT-Li1+yNiB (y ∼ 0.06) phases. Depending on the synthesis temperature and initial Li content, precisely controlled via hydride route synthesis, [NiB] layers undergo structural deformations, allowing for extra Li atoms to be accommodated between the layers. In situ variable temperature synchrotron and time-dependent laboratory powder X-ray diffraction studies suggest Li step-wise deintercalation processes: RT-Li1+xNiB → RT-LiNiB (high temp.) → LiNi3B1.8 → binary Ni borides and HT-Li1+yNiB → HT-LiNiB (high temp.) → LiNi3B1.8 → binary Ni borides. Quantum chemistry calculations and solid state 7Li and 11B NMR spectroscopy shed light on the complexity of real superstructures of these compounds determined from high resolution synchrotron powder diffraction data.


This article is published as Gvozdetskyi, Volodymyr, Yang Sun, Xin Zhao, Gourab Bhaskar, Scott L. Carnahan, Colin P. Harmer, Feng Zhang, Raquel Ribeiro, Paul Canfield, Aaron J Rossini, Cai Zhuang Wang, Kai Ming Ho, and Julia V. Zaikina. "Lithium Nickel Borides: evolution of MBene layers driven by Li pressure." Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 8, no. 7 (2021): 1675. DOI: 10.1039/D0QI01150A. Posted with permission.

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Citation Information
Volodymyr Gvozdetskyi, Yang Sun, Xin Zhao, Gourab Bhaskar, et al.. "Lithium nickel borides: evolution of [NiB] layers driven by Li pressure" Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers Vol. 8 Iss. 7 (2021) p. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers - 1685
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