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About Aaron Golub

Dr. Golub is an associate professor in the Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning at Portland State University (PSU), moving to PSU after eight years at Arizona State University and ten years studying and working in the San Francisco Bay Area. His work focuses on the social contexts of urban transportation systems, explored in three ways: 1. the effects on social equity of current transportation planning practices – how people participate in planning, and who wins and loses from transportation plans, 2. planning, research and advocacy in support of alternatives to the automobile (especially public transportation and bicycles), and 3. the historical roots of automobile dependence in the United States. At PSU, Dr. Golub teaches courses on urban transportation policy, planning research methods, transportation finance and public transportation.


July 2017 - Present School Director, Portland State University Urban Studies and Planning
September 2016 - Present Faculty Fellow, Portland State University Institute for Sustainable Solutions
September 2015 - Present Associate Professor, Portland State University Urban Studies and Planning
August 2014 - July 2015 Associate Professor, Arizona State University ‐ School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning and School of Sustainability
January 2007 - May 2014 Assistant Professor, Arizona State University ‐ School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning and School of Sustainability

Curriculum Vitae

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Chapters in Edited Peer-Reviewed Books (2)

Presentations (3)