“Unpublished” Opinions as the Bulk of the Iceberg: Publication Patterns in the Eighth and Tenth Circuits of the United States Courts of Appeals
Law Library Journal
Mr. Mead examines the debate regarding unpublished opinions in the federal courts. Recent publication patterns in the Eighth and Tenth Circuits are compared to determine whether application of limited publication rules is fair. He concludes that significant differences exist between the way circuits apply limited publication rules.
Publication Date
Fall 2001
Citation Information
Robert A. Mead. "“Unpublished” Opinions as the Bulk of the Iceberg: Publication Patterns in the Eighth and Tenth Circuits of the United States Courts of Appeals" Law Library Journal Vol. 94 Iss. 4 (2001) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/aallcallforpapers/26/