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About Zhiqiang Shen

Dr. Zhiqiang Shen is an Assistant Professor in the Machine Learning Department at Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI).
Prior to joining MBZUAI, Shen was an assistant research professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), China. He was a postdoctoral researcher at CyLab, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). Prior to CMU, he was a joint-training Ph.D. student at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and Fudan University. He was also an IAS Junior Fellow from the Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study at HKUST.

Shen’s research interests focus on the broad areas of efficient deep learning, machine learning, and computer vision. Specifically, he is interested in deep learning methods for image recognition and object detection, efficient deep architectures and parameter-efficient fine-tuning strategies, etc. Most recently, he is focusing on:

·       low-bit neural networks;
·       knowledge distillation for models and data;
·       designing and training highly efficient network architectures for CNNs and transformers;
·       un(self-)supervised / weakly-supervised learning;
·       image understanding including object detection, recognition, and captioning; and
·       few-shot learning.


Present Assistant Professor, Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence Department of Machine Learning

Research Interests

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Professional Service and Affiliations

2023 Conference reviewer, ICLR
2023 Meta-Reviewer, SPC
2022 Conference reviewer, ECCV
2022 Conference reviewer, ICML
2022 Conference reviewer, NeurIPS
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Honors and Awards

  • CVPR 2019 doctoral consortium award
  • AAAI 2019 student scholarship award
  • iMaterialist Challenge on Product Recognition (Fine-grained image classification of products at FGVC6, CVPR'19 workshop): Ranked fourth globally (team leader)
  • MSR-VTT Challenge (video captioning) 2016: Ranked fourth in human evaluation and ranked fifth in the automatic evaluation metrics (team leader)
  • Top 10% in Kaggle Competition of Right Whale Recognition, 2016

Conference Proceedings (4)

Preprints (7)