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High yields from course guides at Li Ka Shing Library
Singapore Journal of Library and Information Management
  • Pin Pin Yeo, Singapore Management University
Publication Type
Journal Article
Publication Date

At the Li Ka Shing Library, the librarians started building course guides to support students working on their assignments. The reasons for creating course guides and examples of course guides with their usage statistics are explored. The research librarians got high returns from their course guides as shown by usage statistics and unsolicited feedback from faculty. It was a good way to embed the Library and its resources into the courses taught, to increase awareness of library resources and to keep the library visible.

  • Course guides,
  • library resources awareness,
  • library visibility,
  • LibGuides
Library Association of Singapore
City or Country
Copyright Owner and License
Yeo Pin Pin
Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0
Citation Information
Yeo, Pin Pin. 2011. High yields from course guides at Li Ka Shing Library. Singapore Journal of Library and Information Management, 40: 50-64.