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Response to "Pervasive Sequence Patents Cover the Entire Human Genome"
All Faculty Scholarship
  • Shine Tu, West Virginia University College of Law
  • Christopher M. Holman, University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Law
  • Adam Mossoff, George Mason University School of Law
  • Ted M. Sichelman, University of San Diego School of Law
  • Michael Risch, Villanova University School of Law
  • Jorge L. Contreras, University of Utah - S.J. Quinney College of Law
  • Yaniv Heled, Georgia State University College of Law
  • Gregory Dolin, University of Baltimore School of Law
  • Lee Petherbridge, Loyola Law School Los Angeles
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In a widely reported article by Jeffrey Rosenfeld and Christopher Mason published in Genome Medicine, significant misstatements were made, because the authors did not sufficiently review the claims – which define the legal scope of a patent – in the patents they analyzed. Specifically, the authors do not provide an adequate basis for their assertion that 41% of the genes in the human genome have been claimed.

Citation Information
Response to "Pervasive Sequence Patents Cover the Entire Human Genome," 6 Genome Med. 14 (2014) (co-authored)