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MAP2: multiple alignment of syntenic genomic sequences
Nucleic Acids Research
  • Liang Ye, Iowa State University
  • Xiaoqiu Huang, Iowa State University
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Publication Version
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We describe a multiple alignment program named MAP2 based on a generalized pairwise global alignment algorithm for handling long, different intergenic and intragenic regions in genomic sequences. The MAP2 program produces an ordered list of local multiple alignments of similar regions among sequences, where different regions between local alignments are indicated by reporting only similar regions. We propose two similarity measures for the evaluation of the performance of MAP2 and existing multiple alignment programs. Experimental results produced by MAP2 on four real sets of orthologous genomic sequences show that MAP2 rarely missed a block of transitively similar regions and that MAP2 never produced a block of regions that are not transitively similar. Experimental results by MAP2 on six simulated data sets show that MAP2 found the boundaries between similar and different regions precisely. This feature is useful for finding conserved functional elements in genomic sequences. The MAP2 program is freely available in source code form at for academic use.


This article is published as Ye, Liang, and Xiaoqiu Huang. "MAP2: multiple alignment of syntenic genomic sequences." Nucleic acids research 33, no. 1 (2005): 162-170. doi: 10.1093/nar/gki159.

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Citation Information
Liang Ye and Xiaoqiu Huang. "MAP2: multiple alignment of syntenic genomic sequences" Nucleic Acids Research Vol. 33 Iss. 1 (2005) p. 162 - 170
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