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Between the Local and the Global: Characteristics of the Chinese-Language Press in America
American Periodicals: A Journal of History, Criticism, and Bibliography (2009)
  • Xiao-huang Yin, Occidental College
The one event of the day that made him get up out of his easy chair was the [Chinese] newspaper. He looked forward to it. He opened the front door and looked for it hours before the mailman was due. The Gold Mountain News … came from San Francisco in a paper sleeve on which his name and address were neatly typed. He put on his gold-rimmed glasses and readied his smoking equipment. … He killed several hours reading the paper, scrupulously reading everything, the date on each page, the page numbers, the want ads.… —Maxine Hong Kingston, China Men (1981)
Publication Date
November, 2009
Citation Information
Xiao-huang Yin. "Between the Local and the Global: Characteristics of the Chinese-Language Press in America" American Periodicals: A Journal of History, Criticism, and Bibliography Vol. 19 (2009)
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