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Globalism from an African Perspective: The Training of Lawyers for a New and Challenging Reality
UF Law Faculty Publications
  • Winston P. Nagan, University of Florida Levin College of Law
  • Marcio Santos
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This paper deals with the definition and implications of globalism generally and for African interests in particular. Its focus is on globalism as a cluster of social, economic, and political forces contesting for the controlling paradigm of international relations and international law. The article underscores the general issue of globalism's impact on the well-being of the international community. It also considers the impact of globalism on the U.N. Charter, and, in particular, the role of the United Nations in international economic order. The connections between globalism and society are considered as part of the changing character of war and political economy in the international system. A central theme running through this paper is that globalism stresses an element of privatizing important functions historically considered to be public in character. These include the management of important economic issues and the control and regulation of the global war system. All of these matters impact Africa. Additionally, it is important for juris consults in Africa to understand them better so that professionals, scholars, and opinion leaders may be able to provide African leadership with more skilled, strategic, and tactical ways to protect the vital interests of Africa.

Citation Information
Winston P. Nagan & Marcio Santos, Globalism from an African Perspective: The Training of Lawyers for a New and Challenging Reality, 17 Transnat'l L. & Contemp. Probs. 413 (2008), available at