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Student Literacy for Succeeding in a Pervasive Digital Environment
  • Win Shih, University of Southern California
Today’s net-generation college students were weaned on multimedia, regularly viewing, sharing and loading video with YouTube and other social networking sites. At University of Southern California (USC), students across curriculum are producing video for their assignments and class assignments. Faculty in diverse disciplines now assigns projects requiring some manner of video feed. Not surprisingly, we’re seeing universities across the nation considering video production and related skill sets as part of their undergraduate core curricula. Today’s growing digital environment, new education programs are merging traditional information and research skills with IT fluency, digital and multimedia literacies demanding more-and-more knowledge of emerging technologies. A successful literacy education requires collaborative efforts from stakeholders including librarians, information technologists, faculty members, and media specialists on campus. This presentation will first define the scope of digital and other technical literacies and their collective impact upon current higher education. Based on our home example, we’ll discuss how USC Librarians corroborate with other campus colleagues in developing a coordinated, discipline-oriented literacy program meeting the pedagogical goals of the new undergraduate curricula. Furthermore, we will also talk about how to empower a culture of learning and innovation among faculty and graduate students. Marshall McLuhan stated half-a-century ago, “the medium is the message.” Digital literacy is becoming integral to higher education and contributes to students’ success in technology-enriched environments.
  • IFLA,
  • Information Literacy,
  • University of Southern California
Publication Date
Roisin Gwyer, Ruth Stubbings, Graham Walton
De Gruyter Saur
IFLA Publications; Nr 157
Citation Information
Win Shih. Student Literacy for Succeeding in a Pervasive Digital Environment. Berlin(2012)
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