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Testing personalized outreach as an effective TDM measure
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (2015)
  • William W Riggs, California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo
Urban college campuses often face challenges providing maximum transportation accessibility. Many believe strategies to ‘push’ and ‘pull’ individuals out of private automobiles will reduce emissions and mitigate the need for parking. This study focuses on UC Berkeley’s evaluation of a program that conducts targeted outreach to encourage shifts away from driving. The program provides customized information on commute alternatives, and is evaluated using descriptive as well as inferential statistics, focusing on effectiveness. Although the sample size is small, the findings show that a large component of program participants (8%) changed modes. Interviews with commuters evaluated potential barriers, including the adequacy, safety and convenience of alternatives. The study concluded that information alone is not adequate to draw individuals away from autos; other efforts to reach patrons must make driving alternatives easy and appealing. More research is needed on the interplay between outreach efforts and mode shift. Additional research and policy outcomes for urban campuses include: (1) a focus on information technology aided ride matching or carpooling; and (2) an increased focus on the telework environment. These strategies can assist urban campuses to refine comprehensive transportation demand management programs.
Publication Date
Summer August, 2015
Citation Information
William W Riggs. "Testing personalized outreach as an effective TDM measure" Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Vol. 78 (2015)
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