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An Investigation of Adjustable-rate Mortgage Pricing Features
Financial Services Review
  • William K. Templeton, Butler University
  • Robert S. Main, Butler University
  • J. B. Orris, Butler University
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Investigates costs and risks associated with the choice of terms for adjustable rate mortgages. Impact of mortgage-rate changes on the size of payments for adjustable-rate mortgages; Examination of the choice of length of the fixed period before the occurrence of the first interest rate; Assessment of the choice of annual and lifetime caps for a standard one year adjustable rate mortgages.


This article was originally published in Financial Services Review, 2003, Volume 12.

Citation Information
William K. Templeton, Robert S. Main and J. B. Orris. "An Investigation of Adjustable-rate Mortgage Pricing Features" Financial Services Review Vol. 12 (2002) p. 367 - 379
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