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Selection of Expatriates for Regional Business Operations in Asia: A Study of MNE Managers in Singapore
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, 8-11 August 1999
  • A. Ahad M. OSMAN-GANI, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • Wee Liang TAN, Singapore Management University
  • Thian Ser TOH, Singapore Management University
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date

The recent interest for regionalization of business operations in Asia underscores the demand for expatriates. While much has been written on expatriation, very little was documented on expatriates assigned in Asian countries. In this respect, American, German, Japanese and Korean MNEs have been found to take active interests in regional expansion of business in Asia. Expatriation is a significant international management issue for them. The high costs of expatriation and the risks for expatriate failures also underscore this importance. As such, selecting the right candidate for expatriation success is a crucial issue for these MNEs. This paper presents the findings of a study on the selection of expatriates for assignment in Asia, particularly in Singapore. The effective selection criteria are identified and a comparative analysis was conducted. The study examines the effects, if any, of nationalities, the functional management positions occupied by the expatriates, and the industrial sectors they belonged to, in the assigned countries.

  • expatriates,
  • Singapore,
  • international business
City or Country
Chicago, IL, USA
Copyright Owner and License
Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International
Citation Information
A. Ahad M. OSMAN-GANI, Wee Liang TAN and Thian Ser TOH. "Selection of Expatriates for Regional Business Operations in Asia: A Study of MNE Managers in Singapore" Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, 8-11 August 1999 (1999)
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