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Politico-Economic Factors Associated with Interest in Starting a Business: A Multi-Country Study
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
  • Thomas BEGLEY, Northeastern University
  • Wee Liang TAN, Singapore Management University
  • Herbert SCHOCH, Macquarie University
Publication Type
Journal Article
Publication Date

Public health is a legal term of art referring specifically to delineated powers, duties, rights, and responsibilities. An emerging human rights conception of public health justifies government intervention. Intervention involves public officials taking appropriate measures including environmental regulations pursuant to specific legal authority, after balancing private rights and public interests, to protect the health of the public. This article is a critical analysis of the performance of the actors in maintaining environmental standards in India. Part II is a discussion on the source of environmental law in India. Part III discusses the performance of the legislature. Part IV evaluates the performance of the statutory bodies entrusted with the task of implementing environmental standards in India. Part V discusses the role of the judiciary in providing environmental law in India with a sense of direction. The conclusion provides a final audit and a glimpse of the future that may be.

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Citation Information
Thomas BEGLEY, Wee Liang TAN and Herbert SCHOCH. "Politico-Economic Factors Associated with Interest in Starting a Business: A Multi-Country Study" Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice Vol. 29 Iss. 1 (2005) p. 35 - 55 ISSN: 1042-2587
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