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Contribution to Book
Prekindergarten Policy and Politics: Discursive (Inter)play on Readying the Ideal Learner
Pedagogies of Kindness and Respect: On the Lives of Children (2015)
  • Angela Passero, University of South Florida
  • Carrie Gentner, University of South Florida
  • Vonzell Agosto, University of South Florida
This study uses assemblage policy as the theoretical framework and is situated amid concerns about neoliberal influences on policy negotiations concerning prekindergarten/ers. Key, exemplary, and authoritative policy texts are analyzed using a form of CDA called critical rhetorical analysis. Analysis of key and exemplary texts illuminate terms around which the attempt to persuade was strong: high quality, age appropriate progress, readiness, and literacy. Authoritative texts and early childhood education literature provide insight into related political negotiations. Findings suggest contradictory interplay between policy documents including creation of the term age appropriate progress, conveyance of a narrow band of meaning and associated goals for the terms readiness and literacy, and misuse of the term screener.
  • Assemblage Theory,
  • Voluntary PreKindergarten,
  • Policy,
  • Literacy
Publication Date
P.L. Thomas, P.L. Carr, J. Gorlewski, & B. Porfilio
Peter Lang
Citation Information
Passero, A., Gentner, C., & Agosto. V. (2015)."Prekindergarten Policy and Politics: Discursive (Inter)play on Readying the Ideal Learner. In P. L. Thomas, P. R. Carr, J. Gorlewski, & B. Portillo (Eds). Pedagogues of Kindness and Respect: on the Lives of Children. Peter Lang.