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Civilrättslig tvångsvård – ytterligare kommentarer angående omhändertaganden och Bryssel II-förordningen [Public care by private law – further comments on care orders and the Brussels II-regulation]
Europarättslig Tidskrift (2009)
  • Vilhelm Persson
The ECJ has determined that the Brussels II-regulation is applicable on decisions by public authorities concerning children in need of public care. This means that member states’ possibilities to determine their jurisdiction are limited by EU-law, even in matters that in Sweden are regularly considered to be parts of public law. It also means that not only Swedish but also EU-law fundamental rights must be respected by Swedish authorities. Further, the European Court of Justice has possibly paved the way for more rules on jurisdiction in public law matters.
Publication Date
Citation Information
Vilhelm Persson. "Civilrättslig tvångsvård – ytterligare kommentarer angående omhändertaganden och Bryssel II-förordningen" Europarättslig Tidskrift (2009): 573-587.