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Brain Machine Interface Using Emotiv EPOC to Control Robai Cyton Robotic Arm
2015 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference
  • Daniel P. Prince, University of Dayton
  • Mark J. Edmonds, University of Dayton
  • Andrew J. Sutter, University of Dayton
  • Matthew Thomas Cusumano, University of Dayton
  • Wenjie Lu, University of Dayton
  • Vijayan K. Asari, University of Dayton
Document Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date

The initial framework for an electroencephalography (EEG) thought recognition software suite is developed, built, and tested. This suite is designed to recognize human thoughts and pair them to actions for controlling a robotic arm.

Raw EEG brain activity data is collected using an Emotiv EPOC headset. The EEG data is processed through linear discriminant analysis (LDA), where an intended action is identified. The EEG classification suite is being developed to increase the number of distinct actions that can be identified compared to the Emotiv recognition software. The EEG classifier was able to correctly distinguish between two separate physical movements.

Future goals for this research include recognition of more gestures, and enabling of real time processing.

Inclusive pages
Document Version

The document available for download is the author's accepted manuscript, provided with permission. Permission documentation is on file.

Some differences may exist between this version and the published version; as such, researchers wishing to quote directly from this source are advised to consult the version of record, available using the DOI provided.

Place of Publication
Dayton, OH
Citation Information
Daniel P. Prince, Mark J. Edmonds, Andrew J. Sutter, Matthew Thomas Cusumano, et al.. "Brain Machine Interface Using Emotiv EPOC to Control Robai Cyton Robotic Arm" 2015 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (2015)
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