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Etudes on iurids, VIII. A new Protoiurus species from the Hıdırellez Cave in Antalya, Turkey (Scorpiones: Iuridae)
  • Ersen Aydın Yağmur, Celal Bayar University
  • Michael E. Soleglad
  • Victor Fet, Marshall University
  • František Kovařík

A new iurid species, Protoiurus kumlutasi sp. nov. is described from the Hıdırellez Cave, located in the coastal southwestern Antalya Province, Turkey. This species was collected both inside and at the entrance of the cave, and does not exhibit any troglomorphic characteristics. Its closest relative is P. kraepelini, which shares the distinctive shape of pedipalp chela in mature males. The new species can be distinguished from P. kraepelini, however, by its hemispermatophore, which conforms to subtype 1a. Additional hemispermatophores were analyzed from several specimens of P. kraepelini collected in close proximity to its type locality, further endorsing existence of unique subtype 1b in this species. The description of the new species brings the number of species in the genus Protoiurus to six.

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Citation Information
Ersen Aydın Yağmur, Michael E. Soleglad, Victor Fet and František Kovařík. "Etudes on iurids, VIII. A new Protoiurus species from the Hıdırellez Cave in Antalya, Turkey (Scorpiones: Iuridae)" p. 1 - 25
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