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Ten good reasons why you should validate your translated terminology
tcworld Magazine (2011)
  • Uwe Muegge

Recent survey results suggest that more and more practitioners in the field of technical communication understand the benefits of maintaining client- or project-specific termbases. However, based on anecdotal evidence, it seems as if very few organizations currently have processes for validating translated terminology, i.e., employing subject-matter experts to check the suitability of those translated terms on the client side. This article outlines some of the major benefits of terminology validation, the most noteworthy of which is shorter time-to-market as a result of a more streamlined translation process.

Publication Date
July 1, 2011
Citation Information
Uwe Muegge. "Ten good reasons why you should validate your translated terminology" tcworld Magazine Vol. 6 Iss. 7 (2011)
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