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Make or buy? Make and buy! New approaches for an integrated outsourcing of translation
Localization World (2007)
  • Uwe Muegge
  • Christian Weih

One of the constant questions in the localization industry is the question over “outsourcing versus insourcing.” There has been a clear tendency towards outsourcing over the last 20 years. Today, this outsourcing approach is being questioned as global organizations start to recognize that documentation and communication with their clients are actually a core competence as important as product and process know-how. So, should the answer be a u-turn towards insourcing? Or is there a silver bullet that allows for a blended concept of insourcing and outsourcing? In this presentation you will learn how OBO Bettermann has regained complete control over their localization processes without letting go of the outsourcing concept.

Publication Date
October 17, 2007
Citation Information
Uwe Muegge and Christian Weih. "Make or buy? Make and buy! New approaches for an integrated outsourcing of translation" Localization World (2007)
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