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Women and the Law
  • Tracy A. Thomas
This book collects material that explains the law’s unique intersection with issues that affect women. It previews the trends in the law and the issues dominating the courts and academic thinking. Women and the Law is not just about feminist theory or sex discrimination claims. It is about women’s full social experience from the private sphere of personal choice and family matters to the public sphere of the workplace. This book surveys the many legal issues confronting women and offers recommendations for advocating judicial and legislative change on their behalf.
  • women,
  • law,
  • sex discrimination
Publication Date
Tracy A. Thomas, ed.
Publisher Statement
This informative text provides timely coverage of the major areas surrounding women's legal protection. Legal issues are examined through a practice-oriented approach, covering current law, analysis, procedure, litigation advice, and strategy. Areas explored include: pay equity/comparable worth, employment discrimination, sexual harassment, married women's property rights, child custody, and women in the courts. Section titles discuss: Women in the Workplace, Women in the Family, Women's Interpersonal Contracts, Women Against Violence, Reproductive Rights, Women in Education, and Women and Institutional Change.
Citation Information
Tracy A. Thomas, ed., Women and the Law (West 2011, 2012)