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Discovery of the toxic dinoflagellate Pfiesteria in northern European waters
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (2002)
  • Torstein Tengs
Several dinoflagellate strains of the genus Pfiesteria were isolated by culturing techniques from sediment samples taken in the Oslofjord region of Norway. Pfiesteria piscicida, well known as a fish killer from the Atlantic coast of America, was identified by genetic methods and light microscopy. The related species Pfiesteria shumwayae was attracted from the sediment by the presence of fish, and has proved toxic. This present survey demonstrates the wide distribution of these potentially harmful species, but so far they have not been connected with fish kills in Europe.
Publication Date
January, 2002
Citation Information
Jakobsen KS, Tengs T, Vatne A, Bowers HA, Oldach DW, Burkholder JM, Glasgow HB Jr, Rublee PA, Klaveness D. Discovery of the toxic dinoflagellate Pfiesteria in northern European waters. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 2002 Jan;269(1487):211-214.