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High-Performance Spider Webs: Integrating Biomechanics, Ecology and Behaviour
Journal of The Royal Society Interface
  • Todd Blackledge, The University of Akron
  • Aaron MT Harmer
  • Joshua S Madin
  • Marie E Herberstein
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Spider silks exhibit remarkable properties, surpassing most natural and synthetic materials in both strength and toughness. Orb-web spider dragline silk is the focus of intense research by material scientists attempting to mimic these naturally produced fibres. However, biomechanical research on spider silks is often removed from the context of web ecology and spider foraging behaviour. Similarly, evolutionary and ecological research on spiders rarely considers the significance of silk properties. Here, we highlight the critical need to integrate biomechanical and ecological perspectives on spider silks to generate a better understanding of (i) how silk biomechanics and web architectures interacted to influence spider web evolution along different structural pathways, and (ii) how silks function in an ecological context, which may identify novel silk applications. An integrative, mechanistic approach to understanding silk and web function, as well as the selective pressures driving their evolution, will help uncover the potential impacts of environmental change and species invasions (of both spiders and prey) on spider success. Integrating these fields will also allow us to take advantage of the remarkable properties of spider silks, expanding the range of possible silk applications from single threads to two- and three-dimensional thread networks.

Citation Information
Todd Blackledge, Aaron MT Harmer, Joshua S Madin and Marie E Herberstein. "High-Performance Spider Webs: Integrating Biomechanics, Ecology and Behaviour" Journal of The Royal Society Interface Vol. 8 (2010) p. 457 - 471
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