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Schroder Matrix as Inverse of Delannoy Matrix
Linear Algebra and its Applications (2013)
  • Tian-Xiao He, Illinois Wesleyan University
  • Sheng-liang Yang
  • Sai-nan Zheng
  • Shao-peng Yuan
Using Riordan arrays, we introduce a generalized Delannoy matrix by weighted Delannoy numbers. It turn out that Delannoy matrix, Pascal matrix, and Fibonaccimatrix are all special cases of the generalized Delannoy matrices, meanwhile Schroder matrix and Catalan matrix also arise in involving inverses of the generalized Delannoy matrices. These connections are the focus of our paper. The half of generalized Delannoy matrix is also considered. In addition, we obtain a combinatorial interpretation for the generalized Fibonacci numbers.
  • Delannoy number; Pascal matrix; Catalan number; Schroder number; Riordan array
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Publisher Statement
Linear Algebra and its Applications is published by Elsevier, and provided here with permission. For information on this journal please visit Linear Algebra and its Applications online.
Citation Information
Tian-Xiao He, Sheng-liang Yang, Sai-nan Zheng and Shao-peng Yuan. "Schroder Matrix as Inverse of Delannoy Matrix" Linear Algebra and its Applications Vol. 439 (2013)
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