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1. The law and psychology of the child witness. (Review of the book Child witnesses: Fragile voices in the American legal system, by L. S. McGough. )
Contemporary Psychology (1996)
  • Thomas D. Lyon, University of Southern California
McGough's goal is to summarize the developmental psychological research relevant to children's capacities as witnesses and to make recommendations for how the courts should receive children's testimony. In her review, she concludes that children under the age of 12 are deficient: They encode less detail, they fantasize more, they confuse fantasy with reality, they incorporate script based knowledge into their memory, and they are suggestible, both because they acquiesce to authority and because their memory is susceptible to external influence.
  • child abuse,
  • child witness,
  • law and psychology
Publication Date
August, 1996
Citation Information
Lyon, T. D. (1996). The law and psychology of the child witness. (Review of the book Child witnesses: Fragile voices in the American legal system, by L. S. McGough. Contemporary Psychology, 41, 701-702.