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9. Domestic violence and child protection: Confronting the dilemmas in moving from family court to dependency court.
Published (2006)
  • Thomas D. Lyon, University of Southern California
  • Mindy B. Mechanic, California State University, Fullerton
The overlap between domestic violence and child maltreatment has received an enormous amount of attention from domestic violence advocates, child advocates, policymakers, and researchers. The goals of empowering victims of domestic violence, usually women, and protecting children from abuse and neglect, usually by men, are theoretically compatible and mutually reinforcing. However, advocacy for battered mothers and protection for maltreated children have developed along different paths, leading to conflict and distrust (Edleson, 1999).
  • domestic violence,
  • child protection,
  • confronting the dilemmas,
  • child abuse,
  • child witness
Publication Date
January, 2006
Citation Information
Lyon, T. D., & Mechanic, M. D. (2006). Domestic violence and child protection: Confronting the dilemmas in moving from family court to dependency court. In N. Dowd, D. Singer, & R. Wilson (Eds.), Handbook of children, culture, and violence (pp. 21-38). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.