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A Gradient-Based Optimum Block Adaptation ICA Technique for Interference Suppression in Highly Dynamic Communication Channels
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing
  • Wasfy B. Mikhael, University of Central Florida
  • Tianyu Yang, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
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The fast fixed-point independent component analysis (ICA) algorithm has been widely used in various applications because of its fast convergence and superior performance. However, in a highly dynamic environment, real-time adaptation is necessary to track the variations of the mixing matrix. In this scenario, the gradient-based online learning algorithm performs better, but its convergence is slow, and depends on a proper choice of convergence factor. This paper develops a gradient-based optimum block adaptive ICA algorithm (OBA/ICA) that combines the advantages of the two algorithms. Simulation results for telecommunication applications indicate that the resulting performance is superior under time-varying conditions, which is particularly useful in mobile communications.

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Citation Information
Wasfy B. Mikhael and Tianyu Yang. "A Gradient-Based Optimum Block Adaptation ICA Technique for Interference Suppression in Highly Dynamic Communication Channels" EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing Vol. 2006 (2006) p. 1 - 10
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